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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cross stitch and pretty in pink


When my husband and I where living in germany, we sometimes watched this televisionshow where the host used to end every show with this quote in german: "alles wird gut" or something like "everything is going to be just fine". ... we have been using it since and love it - it sounds so very soothing! Soooo... when so my mother gave me this wonderful woven fabric in the perfect colour (mustard of course:-) the other day, I new right away what I wanted to do with it: a "cross stitch piece" with our favorite quote, since I really wanted it on my wall as a reminder and also just for fun! We really like the result and we can´t wait to find the right spot for this piece!

I used my own handdyed einband from Ístex (left overs) for this project:
grey: crowberries
brown: lichen
yellow: Rumex longifolius

Letters: found somewhere on the internet (I picture-googled: "cross stitch letters")
Pattern: from the wonderful icelandic "Sjónabók" (if you picture-google it, you´ll see why it´s so wonderful)
Frame:  from a thriftstore


my current knitting-project:


  1. :) skemmtileg saga og fallegt stykki ! kv. Sesselja frænka

  2. Takk fyrir kæra frænka! :-) Þetta er orðinn hálfgerður brandari hjá okkur þó svo að þetta sé líka stundum notað í fullri alvöru á þessu heimili... :-D

  3. Rosalega flott!! Það er eins og þýska útgáfan fyrir okkar "Þetta reddast" hehe

  4. Takk fyrir R.! Einmitt! Nákvæmlega þarna hittir þú naglann á höfuðið... þetta er eimitt einsog "þetta reddast"!! :-D

  5. Very pretty embroidiery, Kristin, and the quote is very nice :)

  6. Thank you Hilde! :-) This quote is so comforting...

  7. Fallegur útsaumurinn hjá þér og svo gott að hafa svona hluti í kringum sig sem minna mann á:)

    Og þetta bleika......girnó!

  8. Takk Jóhanna! Já, það er svo sannarlega notalegt - já... þetta bleika er ferlega girnó og stelpulegt! :-)
