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Saturday, April 28, 2012


This post is a bit different from the usual things I write about - the reason: reading a young mothers blog, who has cancer and doesn´t know if she is going to live to see her 2 children grow up, really made me think about my own life and feel so very grateful for what I have. Reading about problems like this young woman has, always makes me feel like I don´t have any real problems or things to worry about... it also motivates me to keep on following my big goal: doing things I´ve always wanted to do and never had the time to do until now.

I´m thankful for: my good health - every moment I spend with my two wonderful boys that make me smile every day no matter if we are together or apart - for my best friend and husband - for my family: parents and 3 sisters - for my home, even if it´s getting much too small for the 4 of us :-) - for my wonderful and loyal friends that have always been by my side, even if I´ve spent 11 years in another country - for my husbands good job that he has kept throughout the crisis...

I´m also grateful for all the small things in live like good food, a cup of coffee all alone in the morning when everybody has gone to kindergarten and work, the sound of the raindrops falling on my balcony, the smell of icelandic wool, sauna, a walk by the ocean.. there are so many things to be happy about - you just have to notice them!

What are the big and small things you are grateful for in your life? Spending a couple of minutes thinking about this, might make your day... 

my love...


a walk by the ocean... 

good food... 



  1. hi, yes, I totally agree with you, being healthy, having a great family and not having to struggle for food, being able to buy beautiful yarn once in a while, ok far too often, one has to be grateful for what one has..
    have a nice weekend,
    all the best, Christa from Switzerand

  2. One really should think about this more often and remind one self... :-) Hope you´ll have a wonderful weekend Christa!!

  3. SO true...one just never knows what the next day has in place for us...so enjoy every day, be happy, thankful and kind to a stranger. Don't judge the otehr person just becouse one think to have the right to do so...you never know what he or she just had going on in her/ his life. Respect one another and be kind...
    Have a wonderful day

  4. Ups sorry a view spelling errors...

  5. This is exactly what I needd to read right now. Thanks for the reminder that there is so much to be thankful for :)
    PS: both the area you live in and your kids are just beautiful! Not to mention your photography skills.

  6. Jacqueline: those are really good points - be kind, don´t judge... so true!

    Kniterly: Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words about my kids and skills! :-) They really made me smile! I think one should think of this every day - positive thoughts are always good for your soul - and thinking about the things you are grateful for in your live, is so good for you when you are feeling down...

  7. What a beautiful family you are :) A lovely post, thanks for this reminder!!

  8. Thank you so much for the compliment on my family Hilde :-) I´m a lucky lady!!

  9. Fallegar myndir og póstur. Þetta er það sem skiptir mestu máli í lífinu, njóta augnabliksins! Svo sammála þér:)

  10. Takk Jóhanna! Það er svo mikilvægt að minna sig á þetta á hverjum degi...
