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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Growing up in the West-side of Reykjavík near the ocean, I loved to play at the beach. Every beach is different, with it´s different kind of shells, conches, seaweed, stones... and if you are lucky enough: seaglass! I used to pick seaglass at my favorite beach, just 5 minutes away from my home and fill bowls and dishes with those beauties. There ist just something very fascinating about it - so soft, polished, wonderful colours...

I had almost forgotten all about it, when Freyr´s preschool teacher mentioned it the other day, telling me how much fun she had with her son, picking seaglass at the beach, where I used to spend so many day´s of my childhood. On the following weekend I decided I had to do the same thing with Freyr and Bidenam. The two of them where really enchanted and Freyr even screamed: "this is so much fun".

Now we have 2 pretty jars, in the livingroom, filled with seaglass. The boys love to take the colourful glass out and make patterns out of it, just holding it in their hands, looking at it... like I said: there really is something fascinating about seaglass! In the beginning I wanted to make something out of it together with my boys (mobile, candle-light-jars or mosaic-pictures)- but maby we´ll just keep it in the jars - we really love it that way!

My boys at work:

F. showing me the seaglass he just found:

Serious Bidenam picking seaglass:

wonderful patterns in the sand:

we also found some cheramics, tiles and other pretty stuff...

Our seaglass-jars:

Lucky me and my boys, together at the beach of my childhood:


  1. Such a beautiful post, Kristin :) I used to love finding seaglass too!!
    You found some real treasures on the beach, and the jars with the sea glass make pretty decorations. And a nice memory too :)
    I enjoyed the photos, the sand patterns are fascinating.

    You really made me want to take a trip to the beach :)

  2. Vá hvað Bidenam er líkur þér!! Gaman að sjá myndir að heiman eins og alltaf. OHhh hvað ég man eftir fjöruferðum og klettaklifri!! Maður fann ótrúlegustu hluti í sandinum.
    Fallegt allt gelrið ykkar, eitthvað hægt að föndra úr því líka, kannski búa til tölur??

  3. Hilde: I´m so glad you liked it! :-) We really did find some treasures at the beach... so wonderful and magical! Do you live far away from the beach?

    Jóhanna: takk fyrir - svo skrítið með þessa krakka hvað þau eru stundum lík manni og stundum einhverjum allt öðrum... bara eftir svipbrigðum og skapi! Bidenam er líka klárlega líkur mér hvað karakterinn varðar - við skiljum hvort annað stundum án orða. ÞEssar fjöruferðir eru dásamlegar og ekki langt í að þú komist í eina slíka hérna heima!!!
    Var einmitt búin að pæla í því að búa til tölur... sumir hafa gert það - á hinsvegar ekki bor svo að það verður að bíða betri tíma.

  4. beautifull!i love the pictures !j'aime aussi ces petits cailloux!
