Another experiment I made was dyeing with the root of the Lupina-flower. It was a very time-consuming process to get colour from the roots but I wasn´t really expecting anything else. The colour is a very light brown-yellowish, it´s nice but I don´t think it´s worth the effort since it´s not always easy to dig out the roots. But it was very interesting like always. Thanks to "Hespa", who gave me some really good tips on facebook, the colour became a bit stronger.
Welcome! Velkomin! Wilkommen! Bienvenue!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Not what it looks like
Yesterday I tryed something new. If you look at this picture...
... you might think it has something to do with beans and food?? But actually it has nothing to do with food at all!! Those are green things on the picture are seed-pods of Lupina-flowers. I wanted to find out, what happens if you dye wool with them. I was not surprised at all, when the wool became yellow - it is a very mild, light but of course: natural colour. I like it and it is quite easy to get because we have so much Lupina in Iceland :-)

Another experiment I made was dyeing with the root of the Lupina-flower. It was a very time-consuming process to get colour from the roots but I wasn´t really expecting anything else. The colour is a very light brown-yellowish, it´s nice but I don´t think it´s worth the effort since it´s not always easy to dig out the roots. But it was very interesting like always. Thanks to "Hespa", who gave me some really good tips on facebook, the colour became a bit stronger.

Another experiment I made was dyeing with the root of the Lupina-flower. It was a very time-consuming process to get colour from the roots but I wasn´t really expecting anything else. The colour is a very light brown-yellowish, it´s nice but I don´t think it´s worth the effort since it´s not always easy to dig out the roots. But it was very interesting like always. Thanks to "Hespa", who gave me some really good tips on facebook, the colour became a bit stronger.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A few weeks ago, Rodprjonar and G. gave me some Saffran they bought in Spain, because they really wanted to now if it was possible to dye yarn with it. I was really happy with this gift, and excited to see the result of the dyeing. I used mordant and then I cooked the yarn with the saffran. You wouldn´t believe how very yellow the yarn turned out :-) The colour reminds me of easter, IKEA and the swedish flag! I really like the colour and I LOVE the fact, that the wool smells like saffran!
The saffran starting to cook, not looking very impressiv
wool and mordant
wool and saffran united
Wool and saffran united - a closeup
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Aeolian Knit-Along - done
Details on mine:
Pattern: Aeolian shawl size, wide edge
Yarn: einband, colours: my own (2 different kind of lichen; brúnir tónar: skófir; guli: hreindýramosi)
Needles: 3.5 mm
- Began knitting with a 2 stitches garter stitch tab on a provisional crochet cast on.
- 7 loops nupps
Me and Gummi made:
- 12 repeats of the Yucca chart (R. made 6).
- 2 repeats of the Agave chart (R. made none).
- 1 repeat of the final Agave chart (R. made 1).
- 1 repeat of the edge chart (R. made 1).
I can´t wait meet G. and R. to see with my own eyes how there shawls look like!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
CafeSigrun is a blog full of healthy and great recipes. Ever since I read this post from Barbietec I´ve been wanting to make "orkuhnullungar". For those of you, who can´t read icelandic, this is not interesting, since the recipe is in icelandic :-( Sorry about that! I didn´t have all those healthy organic things you are supposed to use, and instead I just used what I had at home. But I´m sure those cookies would taste even better if you only use everything super-healthy and organic... I only used dates (döðlur) and no raisins - but I´ll probably use both next time. I didn´t have enough sesame-seeds, so I added a bit of sunflower seeds (I roasted the seeds together with the nuts in a pan) . I also used the double amount of cinnamon. I really like the result - they have a strong, special taste of the roasted seeds and nuts, a mild taste of chocolate and the spices... I´m sure those are going to become a favorite of mine and I´m going to keep on experimenting with the recipe.
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