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Friday, January 6, 2012

DIY: how to make a lace doily lantern

I must admit, I have a thing for lace-doilies... when I go to thriftstores I always keep my eyes open for them and often they follow me home, even if I don´t know what I´m going to do with them. They just look too pretty to leave them there!
Last winter I went to a kind of fabric-factory-outlet and found some really pretty ones and I decided I wanted to make some lanterns with them... well... one year later I finally did it! And that´s what I did:

You need:
1. Lace doilies...
I used those:

2. Hot glue:

3. Jars:

What to do:
This is so simple everyone can do this... you should try it with your kids!!! Well, after you´ve cut the doilies to the right size, you hot glue it to the jar. It´s enough to put only 1 vertical line of glue on the jar to make the ends stick to the glass...

1 doily was so thin I had to use 2 strings of it to cover the glass... I made it stick with 2 lines of glue... a horizontal around the glass and 1 vertical line:

This is the result: we love, love, love it...


  1. What a great idea, and the lanterns are lovely!!
    Thanks for the instructions on how to make them :)

  2. Flottar krukkur.
    Er einmitt alltaf að svipast um sjálf eftir dúllum og dúkum þegar ég fer á nytjamarkaði en það gengur voða hægt hjá mér.

  3. Geggjað :) Svo er líka hægt að kaupa blúndu-borða í Rúmfó, ekki dýrir.


  4. Hilde: thank you! :-)
    ElínEllan: takk fyrir... ég er sammála Dossu... mér hefur fundist auðveldast að kaupa blúnuborða í Rúmfó eða einhverjum efnabúðum - hinsvegar þarf dálitla þolinmæði og reglulegar heimsóknir í nytjamarkaðina til að finna gamla blúndudúka/dúllur...
    Dossa: takk fyrir! Þetta var svo skemmtó... núna fá allir vinir sem bjóða mér í kaffi einhvernvegin kósíkerti sem þakklætisvott!

  5. uh..die sind hübsch..ich habe nur leider keine Spitze zur Hand...dafür sammle ich aber schon Konservengläser und Breigläschen, die man sicher dafür hervorragend benutzen kann! :)

  6. Vielen herzlichen Dank!!! Konservengläser und Breigläschen kann man doch immer gut gebrauchen, oder?
