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Friday, August 19, 2011

Not what it looks like

Yesterday I tryed something new. If you look at this picture...

... you might think it has something to do with beans and food?? But actually it has nothing to do with food at all!! Those are green things on the picture are seed-pods of Lupina-flowers. I wanted to find out, what happens if you dye wool with them. I was not surprised at all, when the wool became yellow - it is a very mild, light but of course: natural colour. I like it and it is quite easy to get because we have so much Lupina in Iceland :-)

If you click on the pictures, you can see them bigger and you can see
the colours much better:

Another experiment I made was dyeing with the root of the Lupina-flower. It was a very time-consuming process to get colour from the roots but I wasn´t really expecting anything else. The colour is a very light brown-yellowish, it´s nice but I don´t think it´s worth the effort since it´s not always easy to dig out the roots. But it was very interesting like always. Thanks to "Hespa", who gave me some really good tips on facebook, the colour became a bit stronger.


  1. Flottur litur! (eins og alltaf :þ)
    Ég var að hugsa um daginn um hvernig væri að nota rauðrófur til að lita garn. Ég er alveg viss um það mun virka ferlega vel og liturinn verði örugglega flottur :)

  2. Ekki alveg baunir eða eitthvað matarkyns sem mér datt í hug þegar ég sá þessa mynd!!!!

  3. Ofsalega fallegt á litinn Kristín! Það verður gaman að sjá hvað þú gerir svo úr því!

  4. Takk fyrir! RodPrjonar: ég ætla einmitt að prófa það í haust! Verður spennandi að sjá hvað kemur útur því!
    Jóhanna: takk fyrir!
