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Monday, February 25, 2013


Remember this post  and this one about my crochet-blanket I started 2011?? Well... I finally managed to finish it! 
I used icelandic léttlopi and hook nr. 5

It started up as a scrap-afghan, but of course I ended up buying a lot of extra yarn - especially since I´ve been adding more and more rounds to the about 105 squares. 
I added 3 extra rows in 2 colors to  each square for two reasons: 
1. To  keep it a bit more calm and organized - all those colors made it look so crazy and unorganized
2. To make the squares bigger so I wouldn´t have to make&join over 200 to reach the right size:-)

I joined them with my favorite color: mustard-yellow and it´s huge

Me and my older one love this blanket so much & we will be using it a lot! 


  1. Oh, your crochet afghan turned out wonderfully, Kristin! It's so beautiful!
    It must have taken so much time and patience making all those squares and combining them together, you did great.
    I love the colours, and I think the mustard yellow is perfect as squares and afghan edging :)

    1. Thank you dear Hilde! :-) It was fun making this one - but you are right, it took a lot of time and patience and I love it!

  2. Algjörlega gordjöss :)

    Æðislegir litir og bara fallegt!

  3. Very lovely! The mustard yellow is a great colour choice.

    1. Thank you so much Linda!! :-) I simply have a thing for mustard yellow...

  4. Geggjað! Ég er einmitt að vinna í einu svona úr dásamlegri merino ull sem ég keypti einu sinni þegar handavinnubúð var að hætta, verður yndislega mjúkt en virðist ætla að sækjast mér seint :) - býst við að klára það kringum 2020 ;)

    1. Takk fyrir Íris! Ég hélt nú að ég myndi aldrei nenna þessu aftur - en núna eru nokkrar vikur síðan ég kláraði þetta og ég er strax farin að láta mig dreyma um nýjar dúllur, nýjar regulegar litasamsetningar og garn! :-D he he... en ég mæli með því að gera þetta - skiptir jú engu hvenær maður klárar - aðallatriðið er að hafa gaman af þessu
