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Friday, February 15, 2013

bottle cap crochet-flowers

I improvised those flower-brooches for my girls 
during a girls-weekend in a cottage on the countryside
I used icelandic lace (loðband,einband) and bottle caps for the center 
and léttlopi for the flower pedals

one more thing: I´m starting to miss "the word of the week" photo-challenge so I'm starting with that one again next week...  next weeks word "outlines" is chosen by my sister Guðrún

Have a wonderful weekend ya´ll!


  1. Those flower brooches are gorgeous :) Can't wait to see what you do for the photo challenge.

    Have a wonderful weekend you too!

    1. Thank you Hilde! I hope I can shoot some pictures tomorrow... it´s been raining like crazy for the last few days! :-)

  2. Your brooches are very pretty and ingenious! A good week end to you also!

  3. Elska þessi blóm og myndin sjálf svo krúttó! Þau vaeru örugglega líka flott í hárið, fest á spöng t.d.....

    1. góð hugmynd krútta mín! :-) Kannski ég geri svoleiðis spöng fyrir dóttir hennar Ásthildar?
