My boys are home for a few days, since their kindergarten is closed. Today was their first day at home and they were SO bored... wondering how to occupy and help them to have fun again, I decided to make them superman capes. This is something my younger one has been asking me to make him for quite some time now - a friend of his in kindergarten has something similar... that´s why. I bought some fabric at IKEA the other day, just perfect for this project :-) Don´t you just love IKEA?
I´m really happy with the result since my boys are happy and busy playing again! This was a really easy, quick and effective project! This showed me once again, how fun things don´t have to cost a lot of money or be really complicated to make my boys happy... maby I'll make them some halloweencostumes myself this year?
Ready to take off
That´s how it looks - really simple
Saetastir! Og þú sniðug að malla svona sniðugt handa þeim! Rosa flottar!
ReplyDelete:-) Takk fyrir! þetta er svo skemmtilega einfalt og áhrifaríkt verkefni! knús til þín