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Monday, October 17, 2011

In love with drop spindle spinning

This weekend I went to WonderMikes excellent Intro on Drop Spindle spinning at Knitting Iceland. This is something I´ve been wanting to learn for so long and that´s why I was really thrilled to have this opportunity and this was such a wonderful, inspiring class.

What I love about the spinning is the constant contact with the wool... feeling how the fibers separate... the meditational-effect... watching the fibers/wool turning into yarn and the fact, that in the end you have your own handmade yarn... just about everything! Since I had so much fun and practice is really important I´m going to practice a little bit every day for the next few weeks. And I can´t wait to dye my own handspun yarn with my herbs, plants and berries!

Here some pictures of the drop spindles (made by my grandfather) and my yarn:

both drop spindles are made by my grandfather

my grandfather carved the one in the front

my yarn - love the wool-wood-contrast
my yarn

the soft, warm and cozy wool from Thingborg

want to dig in this wool


  1. Wonderful post - especially the spindles made by your grandfather!

    Love using drop spindles myself. Portable and all that. I spin on my lunch-breaks.

  2. Thank you!!! I might have to start spinning in my lunch-breaks too! :-) Spindles are just wonderful!

  3. Skemmtilegar myndirnar og gaman að fá að fygljast með hjá þér!

    Ég átti svona sem afi minn smíðaðí, ég seldi hana í Kolaportinu fyrir mörgum árum síðan.........ég veit ég veit, synd og skömm...........ræðum það bara ekkert meir!

  4. takk fyrir! ohhh... þvílíkur bömmer að hafa selt hana :-( Maður kann stundum einfaldlega að meta hlutina of seint - ég kannst við það en ræðum það bara ekkert meir!

  5. Spennandi! Ég hlakka svo til í að sjá hvernig þetta þróast! Þú ert algjör snillingur!¨

    Jóhanna, ég hef líka gert svona mistök örgum sinnum... að losna við hluti sem ég hélt ég ætlaði aldrei að nota... anyways...

  6. Wow Kristin that is so very special to have a hand spun spindle that your grandfather carved. You will always have a special bonding having something handmade by your grandfather. I would love to have something like that from mine....and I am impressed at your yarn too...you can be proud to be able to know how to do that too....

  7. Thank you so much for your kind words Jacqueline! I´m having SO much fun - and thinking of my grandfather at the same time! XOX from me to you
