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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

simply wonderful

I felt so lucky the other day, when I saw this beautiful old Camera for sale on the internet (on facebook: "Háaloftið"). The shop-owners couldn't tell if it worked or not - but I decided that if if didn't work I was simply going to use it as a decoration. 

Yesterday was the day I finally got the chance to test it out - it was a beautiful sunny, snowy day at sunrise (11:30) - a real winter-wonderland - and I went to the old cemetery at 101 Reykjavík to take some pictures and asked myself if there was anything going to be on those negatives at all?

I just can´t tell you how happy and excited I was, when I picked them up today and discovered that my pretty Clack really had taken some pictures!! Isn´t it amazing? 
This really simple&wonderful camera, made in the 50´ies/60´ies still works (of course without a battery) and actually takes really interesting and pretty pictures!!
You can see those first pictures at the end of this post...


Details on the camera:
* It´s an Agfa Clack-camera made out of metal, made in Germany 1954-1960 - according to different blogs I´ve been reading, it was a popular family snap shot camera in the 50´ies and ´60ties.

 *It´s a medium format camera and you can use a normal 120mm film for it (that means: only 8 pictures on each roll). The exciting thing is, that since Lomography is so popular at the moment, it´s really easy to get interesting films! 

* One thing that amazed me was, that there are 3 different settings on this camera and it has an integrated yellow filter:
focus to 1-3m – f/8 (close up)
focus to 3m -infinty – f/11 – cloudy
focus to 3m – infinity – f/12.5 – sunny

you also have a specific setting depending on if you are taking pictures with a tripod (you can use a modern tripot) or not (B&M)

More information on the amazing Agfa Clack:
You can take a look at the manual here
Elitismstyle ("If cameras could talk")

And here you have my first Agfa-Clack pictures - I discovered how important it is, to hold the camera completely still (the best thing would probably be to use a tripod) - only 2 out of 8 pictures are sharp so I´ll have to practice more... 

I used a color-lomography-800-film

I really LOVE my new/old Agfa Clack and I just can´t wait to practice 
AND now I´m hooked: I want more of those cool vintage-cameras!

Please click on the pictures to see them in full size:

the first one is my favorite... I really do love how it turned out: 



  1. Geggjuð!! Og myndin af vélinni, þessi fyrsta sérstaklega, gæti nú farið í ramma upp á vegg. Og rosa falleg fyrsta myndin sem þú tókst með henni. Lovv idd!

    ps. hér, in a America, er litið á það sem merki um mikla virðingu og kærleika, ef fólk sendir mannir gamlar flottar myndavélar frá útlöndum (the outlands).............jöst seying:)

    1. Takk fyrir falleg orð mín kæra :-) Það merkilega við þessar myndir af vélinni sjálfri er að þær voru teknar í frekar ömurlegri birtu svo að það er eiginlega bara kraftaverk að þær skyldu koma svona vel út. Nú er bara að pæla í afhverju? :-D he he

      ég skal hafa þetta með virðinguna, kærleika, gamlar myndavélar og USA í huga, enda er mér farið að þykja ákaflega vænt um þig þarna í outlands...

      högs og kissess tú jú

  2. Gaman að sjá svona flottar filmumyndir. Trúi því vel þú sért ánægð með vélina. Er hingað komin annars útfrá tengli sem Blómfríður birti á síðuna þína. Margt fallegt hér greinilega.

    1. Takk fyrir kærlega Frú Sigurbjörg :-) Þú ert ávalt velkomin!

  3. Ae dúllus, þú ert bara saetust! Og sömuleiðis Kristín:)

    Já nú er að paela afhverju þaer komu svona vel út......hvað heldurðu að málið hafi verið?

    1. :-) Mig grunar helst að það hafi verið næg birta til að myndin verði ekki of dökk - en heldur engin bein lýsing úr neinni ákveðinni átt - bara svona ákkurat mátuleg?

  4. Hi,
    The pictures look so nice.
    I have a similar camera a "Baby Brownie" from Kodak, from the 50's. It only takes black and white pictures. I also have another camera that I really liked a Kino-44 from the 60's. Both still work, the problems is, that they do not sell the film or develop the pictures here any more. I would need to have my own dark room, and buy the film in a store for professional photographers. So the cameras are now in a drawer...

    A little late, but Happy New Year!
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

    1. Thank you so much Meximissus! :-) What kind of film do you need for your Kino-44? And can´t you use a color-film for your Kodak? My Clack is also made for black-white but it´s also possible to take pictures with in, using a modern color-film (lomography-film). I also have the problem that they don´t develop those pictures everywhere :-( A own black-room would be a real adventure :-D

      Happy new year to you!

  5. Hvernig filmu tekur þessi vél? Eru þær ekki dýrar?
