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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

creative with photoshop

 I've been working on my Photoshop-skills and having so much fun... the latest practice took me almost about 8 hours and I learned so much! 

I used this rather bad picture of my self - simply because it was the best one for this project (contrast and lighting)

I created an imaginary world inside my head, using this cool tutorial. I didn´t want my picture to look exactly the same so I used different brushes, elements from Illustrator and some fonts I found on dafonts.com. 

I´m totally fascinated by the magic of Photoshop...  the possibilities seem to be endless... 
(please click on it to see it in fullsize)


  1. Töff! Ótrúlegt hvað hægt er að leika sér og endalaust mikið hægt að læra!

    1. vell þeinks! Þessi forrit eru brilljant og öll þessi "tutorials" á netinu sömuleiðis! Sendu mér eina mynd af þér með enga húfu og ég skal gera eitthvað grúví við hana ef þú vilt - bara að gamni...
