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Monday, October 15, 2012

candle making

The other day, my oldest sister gave me a huge amount of wax for candle making. The special thing about this wax is, that it used to belong to our beloved grandmother Guðný who passed away 1996. Our grandmother used to make a lot of beautiful candles and when she died, my oldest sister started using this wax for her own candle-making. My sister has not been making candles for many years now and gave it to me, knowing I really wanted to start candle crafting with my boys. I guess, one could say we´re going to keep this wonderful tradition alive.

I had a lot of fun making my first 4 simple, little candles and now I´m fantasizing about what kind of things I could use as molds, candle-colours, different kind of decoration-possibilities (leaves, pictures, candle-stickers...), scenting candles, candle-dipping...

A treasure: the only two candles I´ve got left, made by my grandmother 
(takk elsku besta Lóa mín - ég get ekki sagt þér hvað þú gladdir mig mikið með þessu!) 

my first candles, using old candle holders from a thrifstore

I really love those two - I used 2 pretty cups I found in a thriftstore to make them... I´ll be hunting for more cups like this... they´ll make great gifts...  

I found out, I could use the old cups and candle-holders as molds too, because it´s so easy to get the candles out of them - and than they look like this: 

I just had to show you this wonderful little thrift found of mine: a cute little 50'ies/60´ies bear, who now gets to keep my rings safe (the doily is an old thrift found too)


  1. Að búa til kerti er eitthvað sem mér hefði aldrei dottið í hug að gera! Það lítur út fyrir að vera rosalega gaman!!
    Kertin í gömlum bollum eru ÆÐISLEG!!! Skemmtileg hugmynd!!

    1. Takk fyrir Rod minn! Þetta er svaka skemmtilegt og möguleikarnir eru einfaldlega endalausir! :-)Nú er bara að finna fleiri gamla bolla og byrja að safna saman í jólagjafirnar...

  2. what a great idea to have a candle in nice little cups...
    very very nice!!
    ciao ciao Christa

  3. What a nice post, and very inspirational!!
    The candle wax you got from your sister is really a treasure, and your home made candles turned out beautifully :) Making candles in pretty old cups is a great idea.

    I would love to make my own home made candles too. Hopefully one day!

    1. Thank you so much Hilde! My grandmother collected small pieces of old, burned-down candles and used them to make candles (we collected at our home for her too). Sometimes she melted a crayon or two to make colored candles... just do it Hilde! It´s so much fun!

  4. Keeping tradition alive is important. I love this post, and your thrift finds. So much beauty can be found in thrift stores if you dig. Things were made with more care in the past.

    1. I´m so glad you liked this post. :-) I think you are so right - things really where made with more care in the past and thrift stores are a wonderful thing... you just have to be ready to "dig in"!

  5. æ ég fæ nú bara nostalgiukast af að sjá gömlu kertin sem amma þín bjó til og voru alltaf á góðum stað í íbúðinni hjá ömmu og afa , mín var sko ánægjan :) æðisleg hugmynd með tebollana ... brotna þeir nokkuð í hitanum ?

    1. :-) mér þykir ákaflega vænt um þessi kerti. Það eru víst ekki mörg af þeim eftir svona óbrennd! En góð spurning í samb. við bollana - ég veit hreinlega ekki hvort þeir brotna, en ég hef séð töluvert af svipuðu á netinu og ekkert heyrt um að þeir brotni. En ég hefði haldið að þeir ættu að þola mikinn hita (sbr. sjóðandi vatn osfrv)?? Ég verð eiginlega að prófa þetta áður en ég gef þau og læt þig vita hvernig fer!
