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Monday, November 21, 2011


I've been really busy making some christmasgifts lately - but I guess I can´t write about that until after christmas! :-) What I CAN tell you is, that I've been playing around with knit, purl, colours and some chunky, icelandic lopi - I´m quite happy with the result of this playing-around and this might even result in my first, very own pattern on Ravelry. My secret christmasproject is: a quick knit, very warm, soooo cozy, elegant if you want it to be and flexible - it´s so hard to wait until after christmas! And another thing: the more I knit with lopi, the more I love it in every way!!

About a week ago I made the cute, warm and cozy Love-Link by Knittingmydayaway. Before I started, I knew it was a cute, quick, warm, romantic and practical knit. What I didn´t know was, how incredibly much fun I would be having, making my "ástlingar" (Love-Link in icelandic)!! I was thrilled from the first moment on until the cast off! I loved to see how the heart-shape appeared, making the holes in the middle, the beautiful colour, the softness of the yarn (léttlopi) and the way it feels to put your hand inside it and meet the hand of your beloved one! :-) The pattern it self was very easy to follow. Here some pictures:

Freyr wearing his new Kindergarten-mittens - just to show you how much he loved them... ;-)


  1. Alltaf jafn skemmtilega skrítið að sjá prjónið mitt prjónað af öðrum!;) Æðiselga sætur og gaman að það gekk vel að prjóna hann!

    Og mikið verður spennandi að sjá það sem þú ert að leyndarprjónast fyrir jólin!

  2. Hvernig merkirðu vettlingana!!!

    kv. fríða

  3. Jóhanna: ég get vel ýmindað mér að það sé undarlegt að sjá prjónið sitt prjónað af öðrum! :-) he he

    Fríða: ég nota merkimiða með nöfnunum þeirra og gsm-númerinu mínu frá fyrirtækinu www.rogn.is Þú pantar á netinu og færð sent í pósti. Mjög sniðugt - líka til límmiðar með nöfnunum þeirra til að setja td. í skó

  4. The love-link mitten is very nice :) Beautifully knitted, and the yarn looks gorgeous.
    Great work!!

  5. Thank you so much Hilde - I just love lopi!! What´s your favorite yarn?
