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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Something new and something from Finnland

I made something for myself this weekend... guess what?

Last fall, I went to Finnland to be at a very, very dear friends wedding. We had some wonderful, perfect days together and this really was one of the highlights for me so far. One of the many things I love about Finnland are the berries. I love berries... I always have... and because of that, Finnland is something like a berry-heaven for a person like me. I ate berries every single day in many different versions. One of the things I tried out was a cake my friend baked for me. The other day she sent me the recipe so I could try it out with my freshly picked wild, blueberries. I turned out just perfect - the recipe is very simple, the cake is not too heavy, not too fat, not filled with sugar and made out of 50%/50% whole-wheat and flour... and the best thing is: it reminded me of my wonderful days in Finnland and my dear friends there.



  1. Hmmmmm hvað varstu að prjóna??? Er þetta húfa??

    Mikið hljómar þessi kaka girnilega! Og alveg sammála, ber eru hrikalega góð!

  2. :-) Þú sérð það á morgun þegar þetta er komið úr strekkingu! he he...
    Ber eru æði!

  3. Já! Er þetta ekki húfa!?

    Kakan lítur út dásamlega vel!! Hvað settirðu ofan á hana? Er þetta rjómaostur?

    Sjáumst á morgun!! : )

  4. Spennó! Geturðu ekki staðið yfir þessu með hárblásara eða eitthvað svo það þorni fyrr!!;)
