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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Proper apple pie

My older son is sick again - now he has the chicken pox! :-S For 2 whole days he asked me to bake him an apple pie, after seeing someone eating one in TV. I´ve often baked an applecake - but that´s not what he wanted at all... he really was craving for a PIE. Of course I had to fulfil my poor sick son this wish and went online to search for a recipe, since I´ve never baked a "real apple pie" like the one he wanted. I ended up baking this one since it looked quite simple and I had all the ingredients at home: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/maryhenryproperappl_67463 (the picture above is from that page)

We ate it with vanilla-ice cream and it was sooooooo good! And it looked almost as perfect as it does on the picture above! :-D It´s really simple and quick to make... maby I´ll show you some pictures of my first, real apple pie later...


  1. mmmmmmmm fæ vatn í munninn! Ég elska heimagert eplapæ, heitt með vanillu ís........

    Og flott allt sem þú ert búin að vera að sauma, dugleg ertu að koma hlutum í verk! Ég segi nú ekki annað.

  2. Takk fyrir hrósið Jóhanna! Það er svo sannarlega hlaupið í mig algjört saumaæði - get þó aldrei hætt að prjóna þó ég geri annað bara svona "meðfram" prjónaskapnum! :-) Já, heimagert eplapæ er einfaldlega geggjað! Og þessi uppskrift er virkilega einföld og fljótleg.
